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Bagerhat Museum, Bagerhat
World Cultural Heritage: The historic mosque town Bagerhat
In the 15th century AD, a great saint-warrior named Khan-i-Jahan founded a town on the western side of present-day Bagerhat. On the basis of monetary evidence, scholars believe that the city was known as Khalifatabad in the 16th century AD. This rich city was filled with numerous mosques, buildings, reservoirs, roads and tombs. Most of which are extinct today. Among the surviving signs are the Shatagumbu Masjid, Singaier Mosque, Bibbighnagi Mosque, Chunkhola Mosque, Rezakhoda Mosque and Ninegambu Mosque, the tombs of Khanjahan, the shrine and mosque mosque of Zindapir. They are spread 2.5 km to the east-west and about 6 km to the north-south. Due to its universal importance as an architectural symbol to the human race, the antiquities of Bagerhat were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985.
Bagerhat Museum
In the modern world, museums are regarded as one of the most effective institutions of informal education. With the increasing worldwide popularity of museums, it has now become a cultural center. In addition to the art, history, technology, anthropology and zoology of a country or region, the museum presents many subjects to visitors in a systematic and systematic manner. The Bagerhat Museum presents the history, cultural and archeological traditions of the great saint Hazrat Khan Jahan (RA), as well as the history and traditions of the forgotten people through various cultural artifacts found in the medieval city of Khalifatabad and the city of Muhammadabad. The museum has been playing an active role in educating the people about history, heritage and heritage, along with teaching about cultural, social and ethnographic times of the dark ages of the Middle Ages. The site was built by Paharpur-Bagerhat Antiquities Rehabilitation and Conservation Project at an expenditure of Tk 44 lakh on the site of the ancient city of Khalifatabad, a richly forgotten city of about six hundred years old Muslim period in the southwest of the country, to preserve and present the ancient history and tradition. .
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